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5 Reasons To Consider A Rhytidectomy In Houston

Written by Dr. Patt's Staff | Mar 3, 2016 7:28:16 PM

Known clinically as rhytidectomy, a facelift is essentially a surgical procedure primarily used to lessen the appearance of telltale signs of aging like facial wrinkles. The goal of a rhytidectomy procedure is to enhance the overall appearance of the jaw and face. Additionally, rhytidectomy surgery can help in reversing the damaging effects of stress, the passage of time, and exposure to the elements that affect our skin.

To carry out a rhytidectomy procedure, a plastic surgeon lifts and tightens the underling muscles in the face. This rejuvenates the facial structure, and contours the face to make it look more aesthetically appealing. The excess pockets of skin and fat that contributes to a tired, aged appearance, are then removed.

A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will carry out the surgery with extraordinary attention to detail, and with an artistic eye. This will ensure patients are left with natural-looking, beautiful results and negligible scarring.

Apart from traditional full facelifts, a number of other variations exist that address particular areas of the face. A lot of surgeons use minimally invasive, technologically advanced techniques to minimize discomfort and the recovery process. For qualified patients, rhytidectomy surgery can be an excellent investment. It could provide a brighter, more youthful appearance for many years. Schedule Your Consult.

Below are 5 reasons why a person may consider having a facelift performed in Houston…

Reason #1- Improve Professional Appearance for Employment In Houston

There is an increased interest in rhytidectomy surgery among individuals who want to look fresher and younger for the competitive job market that exists in Houston. Many of these individuals opt for the "wide awake facelift," which uses only local anesthesia. This procedure slashes the cost and downtime typically associated with other types of rhytidectomy procedures.

These days, many employees have to rely on attributes other than their skills to remain in line for career advancement. Houston’s job market primarily consists of engineering, medical health services, and advanced technological careers that require professional training. Moreover, smart job seekers understand that having a professional and appealing appearance to go with training will certainly help. A youthful and refreshed appearance makes individuals more marketable in many industries. As such, more and more individuals are considering rhytidectomy to make them more secure in their positions. Therefore, this is why some individuals believe that youthful looks an overall appearance play a significant role in getting hired, promoted, and getting new clients for business.

Both men and women in their 40s and 50s are in competition with colleagues who are between 15 and 20 years their junior. Some employers have a tendency to hire or promote the individual who looks younger and fresher, regardless of who is better qualified. Therefore, a number of individuals see rhytidectomy surgery as a worthwhile investment.

Reason #2- Houston’s Warm and Humid Climatic Effects On Aging Skin…

Climate can play a major role as to why a person would consider having a rhytidectomy surgery. In warmer climates like Houston, increased humidity and heat can cause the skin to sweat profusely. This leaves the skin more vulnerable to breakouts; and this is especially true for individuals with oily skin. Unfortunately, in Houston, it may not be wise to cover your face with lots of heavy makeup, big glasses, or hair to try and hide marks and signs of aging. Additionally, exposure to sunlight is among the primary causes of premature aging and wrinkles. Therefore, for many that can opt for rhytidectomy end up having the procedure so that they can confidently keep their beautiful faces exposed.

The climatic effects on aging can also be significant in the Bayou City. A significant number of individuals are bothered by loose jowls, sagging skin, and other common signs of aging that can cause some individuals to have a much older appearance. Without surgical facial rejuvenation treatments, these problems are hard to correct, and the problem will only worsen over time. With rhytidectomy procedures, the effects of aging can be reversed in a few short months.

Rhytidectomy removes sagging and loose skin around the mouth, eyes, and neck. It can be extremely challenging to hide flaws in these areas with makeup; and therefore, surgery could be the only option. This is because using non-invasive skin-tightening treatments in these delicate areas may not adequately lift and tighten the skin. Rhytidectomy surgery will remove excess skin and target these tissues by repositioning them. This will create a beautifully contoured and sculpted look.

Reason #3- To Improve Personal Appearance and Self-confidence…

Many individuals are more concerned about the signs of aging on their face than anywhere else on their body. After all, the face is the focal point of a human being, so naturally many individuals want it to look as great as possible; moreover, if there is something about their face that they don’t like, nowadays they can do something to change it. The appearance of sagging and wrinkles could negatively affect the self-esteem. However, a rhytidectomy procedure can provide a major boost in self-confidence.

It is widely known that self-esteem is linked to appearance. An increasing number of individuals are getting facelifts to change or maintain their appearance. These individuals largely depend on their physical appearance to maintain their self-esteem and confidence.

Reason #4- Injuries and Medical Reasons…

Reconstructive rhytidectomy may be required for particular medical conditions. Reconstructive procedures are often carried out to prevent or treat certain medical conditions. This type of rhytidectomy repairs the appearance and function of the face. This kind of rhytidectomy is also used to correct deformities and other birth defects that could hinder daily living activities. Additionally, it can be used to treat traumatic injury, such as- motor vehicles accidents, and dog bites. Specific types of craniofacial deformities, like nose deformities, can be treated with this type of procedure. This eliminates or reduces the effects of sleep apnea.

Reason #5- Finding Love & Meaningful Relationships in Houston's Trending Culture…

Houston is quite possibly one of America’s most diverse cities. As it borders Mexico, the Western regions of the U.S., Louisiana, and links the Southern belt, Houston has a way of beautifully marrying traditions, foods, music, and peoples together, to make a uniquely sweet and spicy cultural blend. And when individuals come in contact and interact with others on many levels, being deemed attractive and accepted by others can be extremely important. This is another common reason why some individuals opt for a rhytidectomy. The previously mentioned boost in confidence that results from a facelift, makes it easier for individuals to develop meaningful relationships. After a procedure, a number of individuals become more outgoing, social, and open to the prospect of finding love. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Patt today!