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How Long Is The Ultherapy Procedure & Recovery?

Written by Dr. Patt's Staff | Jul 7, 2016 1:51:24 PM

Ultherapy is a non-surgical procedure that lifts the eyebrow, neck, and the area under the chin to give patients a more youthful appearance. This FDA-approved therapy also improves décolletage lines and wrinkles on the body. It uses ultrasound energy to lift and tighten skin to provide a fresher, more youthful look from the brows to the chest.

Focused ultrasound energy delivered by ultherapy stimulates collagen production in the skin's foundational layer without cutting or disrupting the skin surface. Unlike lasers, surgery, and other technologies, ultherapy bypasses the skin surface to deliver the correct amount of energy at the right depths and temperature. Ultherapy differs from laser treatment as it reaches deep into the skin. Lasers can only work on the skin's surface. The delivered energy triggers the skin's natural response to heal itself, jumpstarting the regenerative process to produce fresh, new collagen.

Sometimes patients see results almost immediately after treatment, but more commonly, the process takes longer. Over a period of months, new collagen works its way to the skin's surface and begins to lift and tighten the targeted areas that you have chosen. Ultherapy is not a replacement for a facelift. It is, however, a viable alternative for those who don't want to undergo plastic surgery to reverse the aging process. It can also be used to help extend the effects of surgical facelifts.

Short Treatment Time

Ultherapy is performed in a single in-office session that lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the treatment plan and the area being treated.

Before having ultherapy, you'll have a personal consultation with an ultherapy provider to determine if you are a candidate for the treatment and to voice any concerns. Once you have been approved for the procedure, you won't have to follow special regimens prior to treatment. You may be given an over-the-counter or prescribed medication before treatment begins.

During the Procedure

First, your cosmetic surgeon will clean the skin and identify specific areas for treatment. Next, ultrasound gel will be applied and the smooth treatment applicator placed against your skin. Part of the procedure involves using imaging techniques to determine exactly where and how deep to place the focused ultrasound energy bursts prior to their actual delivery underneath the skin surface.

During ultherapy, you will feel a small amount of energy as it is deposited to precise depths under your skin. This feeling indicates that the process of building new collagen has begun. Comfort levels vary among individuals, but this sensation only lasts while the energy is being delivered. For first-timers, doctors may recommend taking medication to help patients relax and take the edge off during the procedure.


Following ultherapy, you will have virtually no downtime; therefore, you can return to normal activities immediately without any restrictions.

Some patients experience minor side effects, where skin appears flushed immediately after the procedure; yet discoloration goes away after a few hours. Patients can also experience slight swelling, tenderness, and tingling for a day or two afterwards. All of these symptoms will be mild and temporary. Other, less common side effects can include temporary bruising or numbness at the site of treatment.

Ultimately, ultherapy is worth the experience because procedure and recovery times are much faster compared to a traditional facelift. With mild pain medication taken beforehand, ultherapy is much more tolerable for most patients; and many have reported complete satisfaction with their results.

Schedule your consultation with Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery today.