Lip Enhancement
In the recent past, finding exceptional lip enhancement solutions for treating crepey lips and wrinkling around the mouth, also known as the perioral region of the face, was one of the greatest challenges in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Past methodologies, both temporary and permanent, met with disappointing results for both physician and patient.
Temporary solutions typically involved the use of commercially produced fillers or autologous fats, which were unpredictable with respect to how long they would last, and required repetitive treatments that were painful for some patients, as well as costly.
The aging process can cause the lips to lose volume and appear thinner. Thankfully, today’s lip enhancement treatment options can restore the natural youthful fullness and definition of the lips. Be it permanent treatment solutions, or temporary ones, these modern procedures provide patients with an attractive and pleasing appearance.
There are several permanent augmentations for lip enhancements, including soft form implants, fat grafting, or AlloDerm implants. These surgical techniques allow most patients to return to their normal activities in 5-7 days; moreover, they usually don’t have to be repeated.