Laser hair removal is the process of removing hair from different parts of the body using a focused beam of light. This produces an effect that lasts longer than shaving or getting rid of hair using depilatory creams; because the laser targets the hair follicles, preventing them from growing back. Here are 5 tips to get the best results if you are planning to undergo this procedure.

Sit down for a consult first.

Initial consultation a must, since your esthetician will need to know about potential allergies, examine the condition of the skin, and determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. If your clinic does not provide pre-procedure consults, look for a clinic that does.

Work with a licensed esthetician.

There's no excuse for not working with someone who is licensed to do laser reduction surgery. A person who is licensed has the proper training and experience to conduct the procedure safely.

Shave two days before the procedure.

Shaving two days prior to the procedure will allow your skin to recover before it is exposed to the laser beam. This will avoid over-sensitivity to your skin which could lead to infection.

Speak up during the session.

A good clinic will sit you down and tell you what to expect during the sessions. If you experience something that you were not prepped for, or if the sensations are too hot or too painful, you need to speak out. This way, your technician can check and adjust the intensity of the beam, add some coolant, or use a topical anesthetic on your skin.

Complete all of your sessions.

A common mistake made by many is that they fail to return for the second, third, or final sessions. This leads to less-than-satisfactory results that unfortunately get blamed on the clinic. Your esthetician will tell you how many sessions you need, and it will often take more than two or three to complete. Don't skip sessions, and be sure to finish them all to get your desired results.

October 26 2015 |

Tips, Cosmetic Surgery, Laser Hair Removal

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