Hair Replacement: A Growing Form Of Plastic Surgery

Hair is one of our most defining features. In fact, those who desire to change their image usually start with hair, because it makes a huge impact on our overall appearance.

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 30 June 2016 |

Tags: Hair Replacement, Plastic Surgery

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All About Ultherapy In Houston

As we age, our face truly begins to show it. First, fine lines and wrinkles appear around the eyes and near the mouth. Soon, the skin on the brow, chin, and neck begins to sag… after that, tears begin to flow- for...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 27 June 2016 |

Tags: Ultherapy, facelift

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Facial Plastic Surgery Grows As An Option For Men

Once upon a time, facial plastic surgery was something that was left for wealthy women to take advantage of.

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 15 June 2016 |

Tags: botox, face lift, Nose Job, Plastic Surgery

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Guys Get Better With Age...and Botox

For many years, women have been trying to beat Father Time with Botox and other minimally invasive facial procedures. It seems that now Botox, or “Brotox” as many men call it, is catching on with the guys.

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 07 June 2016 |

Tags: Botox, Botox for men, Brotox

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