As we age, our face truly begins to show it. First, fine lines and wrinkles appear around the eyes and near the mouth. Soon, the skin on the brow, chin, and neck begins to sag… after that, tears begin to flow- for some of us.

Yet, in today’s innovative times, many people opt to use medicine, science, and technology to reduce those unwelcomed signs of aging that appear so quickly on our face. For those choosing a facelift procedure, since it’s a relatively invasive surgery, it means a long recovery time. However, there is another procedure available that is quickly becoming a trend in Houston… Ultherapy.

Ultherapy is the only FDA-approved, non-invasive lifting procedure that uses ultrasound therapy to achieve the desired results. This procedure can tighten the loose skin of the neck, chin, upper lip, jawline, and the brow. There are no other in-office procedures that have been cleared by the FDA to lift the facial skin.

How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy uses ultrasound to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is a natural protein that gives your skin the strength and elasticity that it needs to stand up to gravity. Once the collagen loses its strength, it will cause skin to sag and droop. This procedure does not require needles, toxins, lasers, or other technology to tighten the skin. The right amount of ultrasound waves is used at the right skin depth, and at the correct temperature to stimulate a natural response under the skin. This will create a response underneath the skin to regenerate the process of new collagen. The collagen tightens up the skin, making it more firm, fuller, and youthful.

What Type of Results Can You Expect From Ultherapy?

Ultherapy can treat mild to moderate loose and/or sagging skin. A brow lift will reduce the excess skin on your eyelids and reduce wrinkles. It will help open up your eyes, giving you a more youthful appearance. It can also tighten the skin on your neck and jowls.

Benefits of Ultherapy

When a person gets an ultherapy treatment, it will essentially give them the same results as a traditional facelift. The only difference is that there is no cutting, not stitches, and if you don't have very sensitive skin, there will be little or no bruising. After a traditional facelift, it would take two weeks or more to recover. When you have ultherapy, you can be back to your regular routine after an hour or two, with just a slightly red, or swollen face. Some people don't experience any side effects at all.

Growth of Ultherapy in Houston Over the Past 5 Years

Facelifts are one of the most common procedures performed by cosmetic surgeons. However, in the last 5 years since ultherapy was approved by the FDA, 20 percent more patients in Houston have chosen this method. Most have done so due to the short recovery time, affordability, and the lack of pain.

If you’ve noticed sagging and drooping skin creeping up on your face and neck, you now have options to maintain a fresh and youthful look. Contact Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery today, and inquire about FDA approved ultherapy procedure. You just might find that ultherapy is the best option for you!

June 27 2016 |

Ultherapy, facelift

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