For many years, women have been trying to beat Father Time with Botox and other minimally invasive facial procedures. It seems that now Botox, or “Brotox” as many men call it, is catching on with the guys.

Simon Cowell is very open about his use of Botox and how it has eased the lines and wrinkles on his face; though most men are rather secretive about it. However, that will probably change in the near future, as the use of Botox for men continues to climb rapidly.

Botox for Men on the Rise…

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons tells us that over 400,000 men had Botox in 2014, a whopping 337 percent increase since the year 2000.

Top plastic surgeons around the country, especially those in cities like Beverly Hills and Houston, say that men opting for Botox are typically around 50 years old, while younger men usually opt for fillers. Many cosmetic clinicians have definitely seen a surge in the number of men who are opting for these treatments; moreover, the goal for many men is a younger appearance, while others desire to look more attractive, refreshed, and fit.

Male Stigma about Botox…

Many men are still very secretive, and deny they have had any plastic surgery or injections. For various reasons, there is still definitely a stigma that exists about men getting these types of treatments; yet, it seems overall that more people in general are understanding about why men care more about their appearance and taking care of themselves. Yet, perhaps ego, pride, or embarrassment could still be the reason for secretive procedures and treatments. As these numbers continue to increase for men in Houston and other major cities, it will be interesting to see what happens with the stigma.

Drivers of Botox Use…

On the flip side, other surgeons feel that their male patients are becoming more open and protective about their looks. There is a small rise in some areas of the country where male patients that have used Botox injections look and feel better, while also believing it gives them an edge over competition. In these instances, it appears that there is a shift occurring of less stigma associated with men and cosmetic procedures.

There seems to be several drivers of this large increase in Botox usage by men. First, it is a quick fix without any downtime. Yet even more, there are more men today that feel pressured to look young in today's tight job market. A youthful appearance can help a man earn more; and for those out of work, it can help them land a job.

Houston Brotox…

The sheer number of Houston plastic surgeons advertising specifically to men makes it obvious that Houston men are more liberal and open about their use of Botox than other places. A quick Google search for "Houston men Botox" turned up over 594,000 results, showing that plastic surgeons see a virtually untapped market in men looking for the fountain of youth.

Botox is quick and relatively inexpensive, so for men that want to have a refreshed look, it is a good alternative. Many Houston men take great care of their bodies by hitting the gym regularly, so why not care for their face as well?

Start today by contacting Dr. Patt at Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery.

June 07 2016 |

Botox, Botox for men, Brotox

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