The decision to have facelift surgery is not one that should be made in haste. While there are plenty of Houston cosmetic surgery doctors who offer this procedure, not everyone who is considering cosmetic surgery is a good candidate.

A person who wants to have plastic surgery must, first of all, be physically and mentally healthy. Conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression can be highly problematic for a facelift surgical candidate. Doctors also recommend that a person lose excess weight and quit smoking and drinking before undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Additionally, it is important for a person to understand the implications of his or her decision. Cosmetic surgery, like all other forms of surgery, is not without its risks. What is more, it will take time for a person to fully recover from the surgery.

Finally, those who feel that they are suitable candidates for one or more facial cosmetic procedures will want to see a facelift surgeon and get a thorough examination. A good surgeon will assess factors such as skin elasticity, complexion and bone structure when determining which cosmetic procedures would be the best option for any given individual.

During this initial consultation, a person should feel free to talk to the doctor about any questions or concerns he or she may have. It is also important for an individual to be completely honest with the doctor regarding genetic conditions, allergies, medication usage and other details that would affect the surgical procedure.

Cosmetic surgery has its advantages, but there are also risks to consider. Those who are thinking about having a facelift will want to research the procedure carefully, assess whether or not they are a good candidate and see an experienced, competent facelift surgeon such as Dr. Patt for a consultation. Doing so enables a person to get the best possible care and treatment.

September 15 2014 |

cosmetic surgery, Houston plastic surgeon, Cosmetic Surgery, face lift

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