Women and men alike continue to look for ways to combat the natural aging process, and many now turn to facial fillers to help achieve this goal. These treatments plump the skin to remove wrinkles, folds or depressions, as well as sagging skin, and the results last anywhere from six to twenty-four months, depending on the product used. What are the benefits of using facial fillers? Check out the following reasons we’re so THANKFUL for filler treatments.

  1. Rejection Isn’t an Issue

Facial fillers are made using collagen and hyaluronic acid, substances the body naturally produces. As a result, there is no risk of rejection or an adverse reaction, yet the skin is hydrated and volumized. The patient sees an improvement in his or her appearance and none of the negative side effects of many alternative treatments. This procedure is non-invasive, and many patients prefer this also.

  1.   They Can Be Combined with Other Treatments

Certain individuals find dermal fillers alone won’t produce the desired results. However, the dermatologist can combine the filler with another treatment, such as Botox®, in the same appointment. This allows the patient to have the improvement they desire without the negative side effects of a more invasive treatment, such as a surgical facelift.

  1. They're Extremely Convenient

Patients prefer this treatment option as dermal fillers can be performed in a physician’s office in a very short time period. Many patients schedule their appointment during their lunch hour and can do so as there is no recovery time associated with treatment with dermal fillers. In addition, fillers provide patients the opportunity to see the results they can expect without making a long-term commitment. If a patient isn’t satisfied with the results, he or she will only have to wait until the fillers have exited the body to try another option.

  1. Help Fill in Acne Scars & Pockmarks

Many people have blemishes on the skin, remnants of an earlier time when they had skin issues. These marks serve to remind them of things they may wish to forget, and facial fillers can help to remove these scars. The individual finds they can have skin that is smoother and more uniform with the help of this treatment, and it may be used for a variety of other purposes either.

  1. Facial Fillers Rejuvenate Your Appearance

A person may complain of thin lips or sunken cheeks, and facial fillers help to correct both issues, offering a fuller more youthful look. The contours of the face may be remade with use of these products and the lips may be plumped to appear fuller and more attractive. Different products will be needed to achieve different results, but a trained physician works alongside the patient to determine what changes are to be made and how best to bring about that desired natural, refreshed, and rejuvenated appearance.

Get Plumped for the Holidays

Houstonians can rejuvenate for the Holidays by consulting with Dr. Patt to learn more about facial fillers and the many uses for these products. Several options are now offered, including Juvederm and Restylane, and each has different purposes. Dr. Patt sits down with patients to determine which treatment options will help achieve the desired results. With the right combination of cosmetic therapies, patients will find they can have remarkable results; plus, we make it easy for you! Schedule your consult online now, or call Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery at 281-552-8111 to learn your options.

November 16 2017 |

Cosmetic Surgeon Houston, dermal facial fillers, injectables, facial fillers

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