Just about anyone experiencing hair loss looks for ways to minimize any future loss or eliminate that loss completely. While some men and women will find that difficult because of hereditary or medical issues, there are ways to deal with hair loss. When thinning hair becomes an issue, it's important to deal with the problem as quickly as possible. Dr. Bradford Patt at the Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery offers several strategies for hair restoration, regardless of the root cause of the loss.
Understanding Why Men and Women Lose Hair
While hereditary factors often lead to losing hair, there are other causes as well. Both male patterned baldness and female patterned baldness lead to hair thinning, but mental and physical stresses are other leading causes of losing hair. In addition, many of the hair care products marketed today contain harsh chemicals that threaten hair health. Curling irons and hair dryers also contribute to losing hair. A poor diet that doesn't provide an adequate supply of nutrients can also impact a person's hair. Both recreational drug use and prescription medications alter the body's chemical balance, which will impact the amount of hair lost. Each of these factors is important, and Dr. Patt will review a patient's health records to develop a plan of action to restore hair.
What Strategies Result in Healthy Restored Hair?
There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Dr. Patt works with patients to explore all the options available before making recommendations. While there are medications available to treat both male and female patterned baldness, they are not always successful. Those with medical, environmental, and psychological issues impacting the health and vitality of their hair have other options to consider. Behavior modification, changes in medications, and treatments like LED light therapy can work together to restore a patient's hair. If one treatment protocol doesn't provide the desired results, it's generally possible to modify the protocol and see positive results.
Taking the First Step
Before any patient can see positive hair regrowth, they will have to get in touch with an expert for help. Dr. Patt's staff is ready to schedule an appointment now to get started. Once your requirements and condition are analyzed, Dr. Patt can recommend treatments designed to fit your needs. Call us today at (281) 649-7170.