Celebrities are always in the limelight. If you have a bad hair or makeup day, you can likely stay home or just go out with your natural messiness, but celebrities are supposed to look perfect no matter where they are or what they do. Because of this, many celebs go to Botox doctors. There are many celebrities that get Botox, including Kim Kardashian, Jenny McCarthy, Courtney Cox, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez. These five women love to use Botox to create a more youthful appearance, though they don't go overboard and change their natural beauty, which is why Dr. Patt is one of the best Botox doctors Houston patients could see. He has the expertise and training to give anyone a natural look from their Botox treatment.

Kim Kardashian

Of course, Kim Kardashian is outspoken, so she definitely promotes her use of Botox and claims there is nothing wrong with it. She also mentions that younger people shouldn't consider Botox and that it is best for those in their later years. While she has had the procedure done, she feels that it may not be right for her at this present time, though she will continue to use it if she notices more wrinkles.

Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy is another woman who is outspoken and demands to be heard. She "loves Botox" and tells whoever will listen about the benefits and abilities it offers. Many people feel that she is overly open to the procedure, but she feels that people look up to those in the limelight from Hollywood and believe they should have someone who is naturally beautiful and who uses tools and implements to help keep their beauty.

Doctors in her area typically see her for the procedure every two months because she feels that her forehead could do with a few less lines. She does say that a little goes a long way and doesn't go overboard with the injections.

Courtney Cox

While Courtney Cox has had some bad experiences with Botox in the past, she feels that her decision to continue its use is okay. She believes that if you use just a little here and there and don't overdo it, you will be fine.

She believes that if you are happy with your decision to use Botox, you shouldn't let anyone change your mind, whether you live in Houston or Hollywood, though she does admit she uses the procedure very sparingly and to seek out doctors who are licensed to perform the procedure.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The beauty of Gwyneth is not swayed by her use of Botox and other fillers. She believes that looking your best can be achieved by proper diet, exercise and a little bit of her secret...Botox. Many people believe that no wrinkle would ever dare to creep into her face, but she does admit that she uses Botox and other fillers to keep the elastic look of her cheeks and chin.

Jennifer Lopez

The Latin beauty who always creates a stir revealed that she keeps her radiance through the use of Botox. She has been using the injections to reduce wrinkles for over four years now and keeps it to a minimum without causing her face to freeze.

If you're looking to restore your youthful appearance, Dr. Patt is a plastic surgeon in Houston, Tx, who provides expert Botox treatments. Contact our office today!

October 28 2014 |

Botox, botox, Botox Doctors Houston, Houston plastic surgeon, injectables, Plastic Surgery Houston, Houston cosmetic surgery

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