It is no secret that most people fear their dreaded middle-aged years and the signs of aging that come with them. As soon as those frown lines and crow's feet become too intense to bear, cosmetic procedures become a preferred choice to halt (and hopefully to reverse) the signs of aging. Men and women tend to find themselves signing up for Botox in their 40s and 50s, though there has been a recent upsurge in the number of younger people who want to turn back the hands of time. At what age is it appropriate, or indeed necessary, to begin looking for the best Botox doctors Houston has to offer?
Waiting for the Signs of Aging to Set In
Studies show that most people wait for the signs of aging to set in before signing up for their first session of Botox. This is generally due to the misconception that starting with the injections earlier in life will lead to what is referred to as "celebrity face". Men and woman across the globe weigh the worry of having a permanently frozen face against the hope of a youthful glow. On the bright side, people in their thirties and forties generally have fine lines and wrinkles that are relatively easy to iron out.
When injected directly into the facial muscles, Botox causes temporary paralysis, preventing the muscle contractions that cause wrinkles to form. In doing so, wrinkles are smoothed out and the signs of aging are reversed. Fine lines are easier to treat than fully formed wrinkles and, therefore, require less of the paralyzing treatment. People who are between 30 and 50 generally have strong enough muscle tone for the Botox injections to be effective. Unfortunately, from age 65 upwards, facial muscle tone may be too weak for the treatment to show the desired results.
Using Botox as a Preventative Measure
It may be interesting for people to note that this cosmetic treatment may be best administered to people in their twenties. The professional Botox doctors Houston has come to trust will often tell their patients that it is easier to prevent the problem than it is to correct it. In short, Botox will probably work better when used long before that first wrinkle ever makes an appearance.
Botox injections will have no noticeable effect on a 20-year-old face -- which could perhaps be a blessing. Rather than showing any immediate effects, these treatments are intended to stave off the signs of aging for a few more years. Frankly, it is easier to stop fine lines and wrinkles from forming than it is to attempt to fully reverse them a decade or two down the line.
Another bonus of acquiring Botox treatments earlier on is the fact that the patient will need less frequent injections when the signs of aging finally show up. Most middle-aged people will require an injection every three months. Any person who has had the injections done as an early preventative measure will probably require less than half that amount later on in life.
All in all, it seems as though people should begin Botox injections in the latter half of their twenties rather than wait for Time to leave a traceable mark on their skin later on. If you're wondering whether Botox is right for you, contact Dr. Patt's office today, we'll be happy to answer your questions!