Lip enhancement can be a subtle procedure that has a major impact on how you are viewed by yourself and others. These enhancements can change the very shape of your face, bringing a new focal point to your look with relatively little effort. If you want to make sure that you get the right kind of enhancement, though, you need to learn a little about the procedures that are out there - as well as the side effects. As with any medical procedure, you need to be informed before you can make an educated choice.


Lip enhancement injections are an outpatient procedure that can be done in your doctor's office and you can go home during the same day. Synthetic and organic materials can be used to plump up your lips, but usually only for a limited duration. Injections are ideal for those who want to make a change to their lips but aren't ready to commit to a life-long change, as well as for those who do not want to deal with surgery. There are several types of injection available, each of which has pros and cons. If you choose injections, you'll want to consult a physician about which choice is right for you.


Another common type of lip enhancement is the use of what are known to many as lip implants. These implants tend to plump up the lips, and can be either temporary or permanent. There are a number of different substances that are used in these procedures, ranging from the natural to the artificial. Your own body fat can be used, as well as a number of artificial substances that tend to have a somewhat longer shelf life. Implant procedures tend to be a great deal more invasive than injections, but many are known to have longer-lasting impacts on those who choose to go the surgical route.

Side Effects

As you can imagine the types of side effects associated with lip enhancement tend to depend upon the type of work that you have done on your lips. The most common side effects that occur after injections generally have to do with allergic reactions - redness and swelling can occur, among other issues. If you choose to undergo surgery, you can have complications from the anesthetic as well as allergy issues, and you may also face up to two weeks of recovery time. As always, the side effects of the procedure vary greatly from person to person. Over all, however, the side effects are infrequent and generally minor, especially when a trained physician administers the procedures.

Having lip enhancement done is a personal choice, and only you can decide what type of enhancement is best for your life. You should always study the potential side effects of any enhancement procedure, and make sure that you work with the only best Botox doctors Houston offers to get the best results. If you want to change your look, always make sure that you consider the right kind of enhancement procedures. With a little effort, you can change the way that you are viewed by both yourself and others - so long as you find a doctor who can help you with the procedures that you need. So, look no further than Dr. Patt, a highly certified doctor who can tell you exactly what procedures can be your best option. Contact our office today!

January 30 2015 |

Botox, Botox Doctors Houston, Cosmetic Surgeon Houston, lip enhancement houston

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