One of the earliest signs of aging in both men and women is a "puffiness" or tired appearance around the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery can ease the bags under the eyes in addition to removing the heavy skin over the upper eyelids, to help most anyone with drooping skin around the eyes look younger by restoring the eye brows to a more youthful position. This procedure known Blepharoplasty has become more common in recent years.
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery is a facial reconstructive surgery that aesthetically enhances an individual's eyes. The human aging process, hereditary factors and sun exposure are some of the common contributors that can make your appearance around your eyes look older or tired.
In addition to a more youthful appearance, blepharoplasty can also eliminate any obstructions that are caused by prematurely drooping eyelids and can help expand your visual field and eye sight. Dr. Patt will provide insight into two basic types of surgical blepharoplasty, to determine which one is best for your individual situation. Upper and lower blepharoplasty can be performed together, combined with other reconstructive procedures such as skin resurfacing or a brow lift.
Upper Blepharoplasty vs Lower Blepharoplasty
An upper Blepharoplasty removes any excess skin or fat in association with the upper eyelids. This is done through a small incision made in the natural eyelid crease to "hide" any small scarring. If the upper eye becomes "droopy" the muscle which helps raise the upper eyelid will be tightened. Dr. Patt can close the incision made on the upper eyelid through fine sutures.
When fat in the lower eyelids must be removed, a lower Blepharoplasty will help smooth and tighten the lower eyelid skin through an incision on the inner surface of the eyelid. This tightening of the lower eyelids will help erase loose skin and wrinkling under the lower eyelid. When done in conjunction with an brow life, the plastic surgeon is able to hide incisions in the brow and avoid permanent scarring. This helps allow the patient to experience a faster recovery period.
Blepharoplsaty patients can have an option of undergoing general anesthesia or conscious sedation, depending on what the surgeon believes is the best treatment for the patient. Procedures will usually last one to two hours with patients normally being able to head home after a short time in recovery. Once home, ice can be used to reduce any bruising or swelling, and using artificial tears will help in treating dry eye. Stitches are usually removed in three to five days while complete recovery normally takes anywhere from one to two weeks.
Blepharoplasty Conclusion
For anyone considering Blepharoplasty, there's no better place to start than getting the expert opinion of board-certified and respected plastic surgeon, Dr. Bradford Patt.
In addition to upper and lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Patt can also perform non-surgical facial procedures in conjunction with an eyelid procedure such as Botox®, fractional laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion along with any other reconstructive surgeries Dr. Patt offers.
Blepharoplasty can help provide more youthful looking eyes and improve eye sight. If you are considering the procedure, don't wait! Schedule a consultation today!