The eyes are the windows to the soul. The first thing most people notice when they meet someone is their eyes. Sexy, healthy, and piercing eyes leave a much better impression than ones that appear haggard, tired, and baggy. For people who have eye imperfections, there is hope. A procedure known as blepharoplasty, can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids, to return the eyes to their natural look, and add years to their appearance.
Benefits of Blepharoplasty
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. It can be used to improve the appearance of one, or both eyelids, depending on the procedure. Blepharoplasty can give the patient a more youthful-looking appearance, and make the eyes look more robust and alert. It can also eliminate puffy eyes. This is caused by loose skin and orbital fat which has built up around the eyelids. It creates a tired and swollen look to the eyes, but can be reversed with lower, or upper eyelid surgery or both combined. There are differences, however, between upper and lower eyelid surgery.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty performed on the upper eyelid, consists of the surgeon making an incision along the already present fold of the upper eyelid. By making the incision at that precise point, the doctor ensures the scar will not be visible when fully healed. Excess skin and fatty deposits are then removed, and the incision stitched up. Upper eyelid surgery can also fix drooping upper eyelids which can obscure vision, and give the patient a tired and worn out look. This type of surgery is extremely popular among people of Asian descent.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
Lower eyelid surgery can eliminate fine wrinkles in the lower eyelid, and remove excess skin in the same area. It can also remove unsightly bags under the eyes, and also helps with drooping lower eyelids. When this occurs, the whites of the eyes below the iris are visible. These faults can all be corrected with lower blepharoplasty.
The Actual Surgery
The length of the operations, the side effects and the potential risks are identical for both lower and upper operations. The patients must be put under using local anesthesia, and each procedure lasts from one to three hours. The majority of patients will experience swelling and bruising, lots of tearing, and slight sensitivity to the affected areas. Double vision can also last for a few weeks, but is rare. Medicated salves and ointments will be applied for a few days after the surgery, and stitches are usually removed about two days after. Good candidates for the surgery should be healthy, non-smokers, and should have no severe or serious eye conditions.
It usually takes a few months for the full effect and final results to stabilize. Once fully healed, the patients will appear much younger, more rested, and more alert. If you are thinking of having blepharoplasty, make a consultation with a certified eyelid surgeon to obtain all the necessary information. Some of the best are right here in Houston, Texas. Make that first impression of yourself a good one.
Contact Dr. Patt's office today and learn more about eyelid surgery here.