When it comes to understanding patients’ needs and consistently providing patient-centered care, no one does it better than Dr. Patt. As a Super Doctor of Texas for over 12 years, Dr. Bradford S. Patt and his staff at the Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, recognize that patients want to look and feel their best regardless of age or stage in life; and all that people need to get there, is the right aesthetic boost with the right cosmetic surgeon.
Historically, people would automatically relate plastic surgery to going under the knife, being covered in bandages, and sacrificing weeks of downtime to recover. Well, this isn’t always the case these days. Whether you want to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, tone and firm aging-skin, reduce age spots, or erase spider veins, there are a host of non-surgical treatments available. The following information discusses Dr. Patt’s top five most popular non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment procedures offered to Houston patients.
Houston Botox, or botulinum toxin-A is a purified, injectable protein that smooths the skin by weakening muscles that cause wrinkles and deep skin folds. Dr. Patt will commonly use Botox injections to treat frown lines, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet and forehead lines. He also utilizes it in combination with dermal facial fillers to bring about the best results for a fresh and rejuvenated look. Moreover, Botox in various forms has other applications, such as:
- Treatment of migraines
- Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
With Ultherapy, patients get a non-surgical skin lift around the neck and face areas, with no downtime. Ultherapy uses proven ultrasound technology to strengthen the skin from the inside out as the body makes more of its own natural collagen. In under an hour, and with little to no discomfort, patients are set up to experience tighter, firmer, and more youthful looking skin. In fact, Ultherapy is the only treatment that’s FDA-approved to effectively lift the skin of the neck, brow, and chin. Learn more about Dr. Patt’s Ultherapy treatment by scheduling a consult here.
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive, non-chemical procedure that uses a fine mist of micro-crystals to remove the outer layers of dead, dry skin cells to reveal healthier, glowing, and younger-looking skin. When patients receive a microdermabrasion treatment with Dr. Patt, the new layer of skin has higher collagen and elastin levels, which further augments the skin’s appearance. Microdermabrasion is much safer and gentler than dermabrasion, which is often used to treat severe sun damage, deep scars, and set-in facial lines. If you’re looking to diminish acne and dark spots on the skin, as well as soften your face, microdermabrasion may be the effective choice for you.
Facial Fillers
As a patient ages, their face naturally loses subcutaneous fat. The muscles then work closer to the surface of the skin, which makes crow’s feet and laugh lines more apparent. Skin also loses its elasticity with age, heredity, and lifestyle; and sun exposure can have serious effects as well. However, facial fillers can diminish these lines and restore fullness to the face by:
- Plumping thin lips
- Enhancing shallow contours
- Softening facial wrinkles
- Improving the appearance of scars
- Removing or decreasing sunken eyelids and bags.
Facial fillers can help to reverse or slow the earliest signs of aging, and they’re a great value add-on for those receiving other facial rejuvenation procedures.
Laser Treatments
Laser treatments can help patients reverse the signs of aging and sun damage. For instance, IPL (intense pulsed light) procedures can restore the skin’s youthful radiance, while laser skin resurfacing can greatly reduce the appearance of acne, lines, and wrinkles. Much of the damage done to the skin is cumulative in nature, and it doesn’t appear for years after it’s done. IPL can help diminish age spots, broken blood vessels, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and birthmarks. Regardless of the source of a pigment issue, IPL photofacials can be done in just a few minutes, and repeated treatments can make a significant difference in the skin’s appearance.
These are just some of the top non-surgical facial treatments offered by Dr. Patt. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call us at 281-552-8111. Or come to our January 2018 Cosmetic Day Event on Friday, January 12th.