Houston Botox Doctors Treat More Than Cosmetic Issues

When many people hear the term "Botox," they think of injections used to stop the formation of lines and wrinkles on the face or forehead. This type of Botox is used for cosmetic purposes and is popular for anti-aging...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 09 October 2014 |

Tags: Botox, botox doctors, Botox Doctors Houston, migraines

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The Benefits Of a Nose Job

Although most people are generally happy with the body and face they were born with, almost everyone would like to make a few changes here and there. We all want to look younger, stronger, and feel better about...

Houston Rhinoplasty Surgeons Can Help A Deviated Septum

A deviated septum is a condition that affects a part of the nose called the "septum." The septum is a structure in the nose that separates the left and right nostrils. A deviated septum exists when the septum is not...

The Dangers Of Getting Botox From A Spa

Botox is a substance manufactured from a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is associated with cosmetic and medical uses alike, and therefore is frequently utilized during elective surgeries....

Facelift Restores Youthful Appearance

Every year in America, more than 125,000 women and men decide to do something about the obvious signs of aging on their faces. They want to eliminate those wrinkles, tighten sagging skin and redefine their jaw lines....

Know The Basics Of Ultherapy

Thanks to continuing developments in cosmetic procedures, there is an ever-growing number of options for those seeking help with age lines to improve their appearance, including Botox and ultherapy. For those in the...

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