Open Your Eyes to a Summer Brow Lift

Have you ever considered a professional brow lift? Most people don’t know that such a plastic surgical procedure even exists; however, many of us do know that as we age, our face is one of the first areas to show...

3 Ways Big Boys Still Benefit from Botox

Botox is a purified protein toxin that effectively relaxes muscles and reduces the appearance of unattractive crow's feet, frown lines, and other signs of aging. It has long been a preferred cosmetic treatment for...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 11 July 2017 |

Tags: Botox, Botox for men, Botox Injections

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Was Botox Born in the USA?

It is easy to consider the restorative properties of Botox as a modern wonder; yet, the truth is that this miracle has its roots firmly planted in the nineteenth-century sausage industry- NOT in the USA. In a world of...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 03 July 2017 |

Tags: Botox, Botox Injections, Cosmetic Surgeon Houston

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Can Sunrays Impact Botox Injection Results?

Both Botox® injections and dermal facial fillers can work wonders on aging skin. Although the mechanisms by which they work are slightly different, both produce the same results. They decrease the appearance of...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 28 June 2017 |

Tags: Botox, Botox Injections, facial fillers

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What Rhinoplasty Can & Cannot Accomplish

Patients often walk into a plastic surgeon's office to request a rhinoplasty procedure without actually having a realistic idea of what this surgery entails, or what they can expect. They want a nose like their...

Guys & All Things Male Pattern Hair Loss

Countless men (and quite a few women) suffer from male pattern hair loss as they age. This loss of hair can come with many psychological and emotional effects, but the good news is there are treatment options...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 14 June 2017 |

Tags: hair loss, hair restoration, male pattern baldness

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