Different Types of Chemical Peels

If you are looking for an less invasive way of improving the appearance of your skin, to combat the effects of acne, age, and sun exposure considered undergoing a chemical peel to remove the damaged outer layers of...

By Dr. Patt's Staff | 16 April 2015 |

Tags: chemical peel, Cosmetic Surgery

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A Closer Look At Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery occasionally gets treated with disdain, particularly that branch of the field that is known as cosmetic surgery, as if it were some sort of vain and unnecessary undertaking. Yet a surprisingly large...

Five Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

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How Much Does America Spend On Plastic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly popular in America. Some of the plastic surgery procedures that registered growth in the US in 2013 include liposuction (16.3%), eyelid surgery (5.4%), breast augmentation...

Chin Augmentation: Balancing the Face

We all have something about our bodies that we dislike. Some of us dislike the size of our lips, either they're too big or too small, while others dislike other parts of their bodies. If you happen to dislike your...

The Trick To Looking Younger... Your Lips?

To age gracefully is a goal that many women and men strive for. Many people eat healthier and exercise regularly to help slow the signs of aging. Unfortunately, diet and exercise alone are not enough for most people...

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