The Dangers Of Getting Botox From A Spa

Botox is a substance manufactured from a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is associated with cosmetic and medical uses alike, and therefore is frequently utilized during elective surgeries....

Who Is A Good Candidate For Face Lift Surgery?

The decision to have facelift surgery is not one that should be made in haste. While there are plenty of Houston cosmetic surgery doctors who offer this procedure, not everyone who is considering cosmetic surgery is a...

Why Get Botox?

Most people want to look younger as they age. As an alternative to cosmetic surgery, many are opting for Botox and fillers as an anti-aging solution.

What Happens During Eyelid Surgery

Many women and men undergo eyelid surgery to improve the general appearance of their eyes. This surgical procedure, called blepharoplasty, can be used to treat loose or sagging upper eyelid skin that can sometimes...

Why Get a Nose Job?

When the term "nose job," or rhinoplasty, comes up, people tend to think of the surgery that is performed to fix the size or shape of the nose. In truth, there are a variety of reasons that Houston rhinoplasty doctors...

10 Amazing Numbers On Teenage Rhinoplasty And Other Procedures

The numbers in teenage rhinoplasty procedures are increasing along with cosmetic surgery's overall growing popularity. One of the fastest-growing patient age groups in America is those between the ages of 13 and 19....

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